How do I install a font?
This depends on your operating system. For Windows 7 or Vista you should just be able to right click and then select install. For any previous versions of Windows copy to or place the fonts in the Fonts folder (Commonly C:\Windows\Fonts or C:\WINNT\Fonts).
For Mac OS X, any version above 10.3 should simply be a case of double clicking on the font file and selecting install. For any previous version, the font files should be placed in /Library/Fonts folder. Unfortunately I am unable to support Mac OS 9 or any previous version. If this is an issue please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Under Linux simply copy the font files to font:// in the file manager.
My font isn’t showing up in my programs?
Sometimes this can happen if the typeface has been installed while the program is open. Simply restart the application and it should be available. If it still isn’t showing up try reinstalling the type using the instructions above. If this still hasn’t resolved the issue please contact me.
Which file format should I install?
In general it is usually better to install the .OTF format as it has a wider support, especially with printer technology. It also has more features. That said the .TTF files often have greater support on older Windows machines and in some specialist software. For your comfort both are provided on download of commercial versions.